1. Amazon EKS Solution

    Amazon EKS Solution


    Amazon EKS Solution


    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully-managed container orchestration service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to make it easy for customers to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform.


    Amazon EKS provides a highly available and secure Kubernetes control plane that is managed by AWS. Customers can create and manage Kubernetes clusters on AWS using the EKS console, CLI, or API. EKS automatically deploys and manages the Kubernetes master nodes, and customers can use worker nodes on EC2 instances to run their containerized applications.


    EKS integrates with a range of AWS services to provide a seamless experience for customers. For

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  2. Amazon CloudFront Solution

    Amazon CloudFront Solution


    Amazon CloudFront Solution


    Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to deliver static and dynamic web content, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, videos, and other media files, to users around the world with low latency and high data transfer speeds.


    CloudFront works by caching content in a global network of edge locations, which are AWS data centers located in strategic geographic locations around the world. When a user requests content that is cached in an edge location, CloudFront delivers it from the nearest edge location, reducing latency and improving performance.


    Use cases


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  3. Amazon Graviton Solution

    Amazon Graviton Solution


    Amazon Graviton Solution


    Amazon Graviton is a custom-designed processor that is optimized for running workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The Graviton processor is based on Arm technology and is designed to provide a high level of performance while also being energy-efficient.


    Amazon Graviton processors are used in AWS instances, which are virtual servers that customers can rent on a pay-per-use basis. These instances are optimized for running applications that are built on open-source software, such as web servers, containerized microservices, and data analytics workloads.


    The Graviton processors are available in several AWS instance types, including Amazon EC2 A1, C6g, M6g, R6g, and T4g instances. These instances are typically less expensive than

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  4. Amazon WAF Solution

    Amazon WAF Solution


    Amazon WAF Solution


    Amazon WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.


    Some of the features of Amazon WAF


    Real-time Visibility - It collects raw requests and offers real-time analytics, including IPs, geolocations, URIs, User-Agent, and Referrers.Full Feature API - It can be managed entirely using APIs.


    Access Control Lists (ACL), rules, and rule groups

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  5. Amazon Systems Manager Solution

    Amazon Systems Manager Solution


    Amazon Systems Manager Solution


    Amazon Systems Manager is a management service that helps you automatically collect software inventory, apply OS patches, create system images, and configure Windows and Linux operating systems. It also provides a unified interface that allows you to easily centralize operational data and automate tasks across your Amazon resources.


    Some of the features of Amazon Systems Manager


    Inventory - you can collect and query configuration data about your instances, such as applications, network configurations, OS patches, etc...


    Patch Manager - you can automate patching for your instances

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