Al-Jadei’s story in the field of men’s textiles began more than half a century ago, through which we were able to gain various experiences that inspired us to pay attention and elevate the fabrics and services that we provide in all our branches spread around the Kingdom, which contributes to facilitating the establishment of partnerships with the finest international brands specialized in the field, to offer various types. We have been serving its customers for fifty years, becoming the first name in the world of men's textiles in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries.

Working with AWS technology has enabled Al Jedaie to optimize costs in many areas. By using Elasticsearch, for example, the company has reduced the number of Amazon EC2 instances. By refining the way it uses the AWS services, Al Jedaie has reduced infrastructure management costs by more than 90 percent. More than 60 percent of cost benefits have come from using the AWS on-demand core infrastructure, and fully managed relational database services.

AWS Services Used:
- RDS was used for the database.
- Redis cluster for user
 sessions and caching layer
- Cloudfront for caching static objects

- ELB to distribute the load across multiple frontend servers

- Auto Scaling Groups were set up to scale up and down as demand changes